You've all heard of the saying, "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy." In the present world, it definitely makes sense. Today, classroom studies is not the only method of education adapted by schools. A new type of education is coming to the fore with special focus given to honing the skills of students in the broad spectrum of reasoning, psychomotor and emotional learning.
The main aim of education has always been to foster an all-round development of the child. It can be bifurcated into many aspects such as intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and social development. Therefore, in order to push for the overall development of the child, we need to strike a balance between classroom studies and co-curricular activities, as both tend to have a very positive impact on the child’s mental, emotional and physical development.
Co-curricular activities are usually undertaken outside the bullpen and gives the child an opportunity to develop and exhibit their non-academic skills. Anything from art and drama to sports and debates can be considered under co-curricular activities and it gives the child a chance to become a well-rounded person.
The Gera School, Goa - one of the best international schools in Goa, understands the importance of co-curricular activities in education and provides the perfect blend of sports, performing and creative arts for young individuals to inculcate leadership acumen, all-round abilities, and awareness of their social surroundings.