Life Skills

The EDGE: Preparing Students for Life Beyond
Grades at The Gera School

about us

The Gera School firmly believes that academic excellence alone isn’t enough; nurture of body, mind and spirit, along with development of certain life skills, is very necessary to prepare students for a better tomorrow.

The youth of today have a plethora of options available to them in terms of career avenues, most of which weren’t available to previous generations. Such varied employability calls for proficiency in various skills. For them to be prepared, we ensure that the student experience at TGS is not just academically oriented but includes life skills as well. The Life Skills Programme at TGS was conceptualized to this end.

Communication skills and building relationships

Having excellent communication and interpersonal skills are an absolute must-have when it comes to growing in any walk of life. We help to instill these life skills in our students through extensive workshops and training programmes. These in turn, help students apply their minds to problems and situations outside of rote-based learning in the classroom.

We also encourage our Faculty to keep an open dialogue with students, right from the pre-primary level, to encourage them to voice their concerns openly and honestly. This helps them build and sustain healthy relationships, both in their professional and personal lives.

Teamwork and project management

The ability to perform well in a team sits at the core of professional progress. We help foster team spirit in our students through our co-curricular activities.

The ability to break a big task into smaller tasks and then take one steady step at a time towards success is a skill that most professionals struggle with in today’s fast-paced world. TGS encourages the Faculty to help our students learn the different aspects of project management skills from a very young age, whether it’s for an Art project in the First Grade or planning for a school excursion in the 9th Grade.


At TGS, we are proud of the fact that we instill in our students an entrepreneurial mindset, which means developing grit, the ability to take calculated risks, out-of-the-box thinking, and concentrating on subject mastery from an early age.

Entrepreneurs are the pivot around which society revolves as they form the basis for all economic activities in an economy, irrespective of scale. Thus, it becomes a necessary prerogative to foster this skill in the younger generation. Akin to most necessary life skills, this isn't a skill that one can learn through a taught programme. Entrepreneurship as a life skill is the sum of many things, most of which are best learned through the hardships of life. The Faculty at TGS strives to include excerpts from their life experience into daily discourse in our classrooms, apart from regular workshops and seminars by eminent entrepreneurs themselves, in order to present students with the opportunity to imbibe learning .

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